European Consumer Claims have helped over 3,500 Timeshare owners from across the UK to release themselves from unwanted Timeshares all over the world, and to recover money where possible.

We have expert Timeshare Release & Claims Consultants operating from a growing network of offices throughout the UK and a number of Europe's timeshare "hot-spots"

Our mission is to help Timeshare owners who wish to rid themselves of unwanted Timeshare (and the associated long-term Fee commitments) and to recover monies wherever possible.

The Timeshare owners we help often come to us with a combination of the following concerns:

  • Unreasonably high annual maintenance Fees, with year-on-year increases.
  • Frustration at the lack of availability and/or unfair allocation of Timeshare exchanges
  • Changes in personal circumstances, such as health, retirement, family or finances.
  • Unfair treatment by resort owners and/or disillusionment with Timeshare.
  • Concerns about burdening their family with unwanted long-term future liabilities.
  • Timeshare not only has no resale value, but is an ongoing financial burden.

We receive numerous enquiries/reports every day direct from these owners, so please see the Customer Comments to read about the recent and past experiences of other Timeshare owners.

Please also see the Frequently Asked Questions to see the answers to the most common queries we receive and to ask your own questions.

If you have similar concerns, please complete our short form now and find out which options are available to you. In the first instance, an expert advisor will contact you to discuss your concerns and Timeshare release options, which will depend on a number of factors, such as:

  • The Timeshare Group/Resort/Scheme of which you are an owner/member;
  • When you bought into the Timeshare;
  • The Current Annual Fees & whether the payments are up to date;
  • The Term of the Timeshare Contract - and how much longer there is run;
  • Your Personal & Financial circumstances;
  • Your reason(s) for wishing to release yourself from the Timeshare.

In addition to Timeshare claims services, we can also provide advice and help on how to recover some or all of your money where possible – and the good news is that the wave of successful individual and group legal cases against many of the Timeshare Groups/Resorts and the lending companies (such as Shawbrook, Barclays & Hitachi) since early 2015 have set wide-ranging legal precedents on Timeshare mis-selling, offering ever greater hope and opportunity to hundreds of thousands of Timeshare owners.

Depending on your specific situation - and with your agreement - we may then invite you to a Consultancy appointment at one of our offices - or we can arrange for an advisor to visit you if appropriate.

So that we can start helping you as soon as possible - and for your own peace of mind - please complete your online enquiry now. We look forward to being of service!