European Consumer Claims S.L. has created this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) to demonstrate our commitment to the privacy of our web site visitors and the right of privacy throughout the Internet. Privacy on this web site (the “Site”) is of great importance to us. Because we gather important information from visitors to our Site, we have established this policy as a means to communicate our information gathering and dissemination practices. European Consumer Claims S.L. will treat your personal information in accordance with the privacy statement in place at the time of collection of such information, or as you otherwise consent.

By using this Site, you are agreeing to the Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change these terms and if we decide to make a material change, we will post a notice at least thirty days prior to making changes. Your continued use of this Site, including use after the posting of any changes to these terms, will be deemed acceptance by you of the Privacy Policy.

Collection Information

Anonymous Information

You can visit the Site to read information about our company, products, and services without telling us who you are and without revealing any personal information. To improve the usefulness of our site, European Consumer Claims S.L. measures and analyses non-identifying, usage, and volume statistical information from Site visitors in order to administer our Site, and to constantly improve the quality of our service and site performance.

Information gathered may include, but is not limited to, the following: the activity of the Site visitor’s browser when the visitor is viewing the Site; the site path of visitors; and the time visitors come to the Site. European Consumer Claims S.L. reserves the right to publish anonymous, aggregate summary information regarding its Site visitors for promotional purposes and as a representative audience for advertisers. Please note that this is not personal information, only general summaries of our visitors’ usage of the Site.

Personally Identifiable Information

You may wish to request information about our products and services or to contact us in general online. To facilitate the distribution of this content, you are asked to provide information, such as, but not limited to, name, phone number, e-mail address and address. European Consumer Claims S.L. may also ask you for further information about your activities however, this is information is provided by you on a voluntary basis only and is not required by us in order for you to use and enjoy our Site.

Information Use and Disclosure

European Consumer Claims S.L. uses the information that we collect on the Site to contact you to further discuss your interest in our company, our services, and to send information regarding our company, such as marketing promotions and events. This information may also be used to improve the services we provide you. The information is collected and stored in a manner that is appropriate for the nature of the data that we collect, and the need to fulfil your request. This information is not provided to third parties for their own use, unless specifically authorised by you. Though we make every effort to preserve user privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law, or in order to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order, or legal process served on the Site. We may store and process personal information in any country in which we (or any of our Subsidiaries or agents) maintain facilities.

Google Adwords and Remarketing Privacy Policy

European Consumer Claims S.L. uses all features of Google Analytics for Display Advertisers. That includes obtaining specific visitor cookie data, such as the source, medium and keyword used to visit our website. Google Analytics does not store any visitor specific data and we will not use visitor specific data in any way related to Google Analytics, Google Adwords, and Remarketing.

European Consumer Claims S.L. uses remarketing with Google Adwords and analytics to display content specific advertisements to visitors that have previously visited our site when those visitors go to other websites that have the Google Display Network implemented.

European Consumer Claims S.L. and other third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on visitor’s past visits to our website.

We take our users’ privacy very seriously. We feel that certain personal information should always be kept private, so we’ve developed restrictions around the types of ads where we don’t allow remarketing. When creating remarketing lists, we can’t use any sensitive information about users. This includes information such as their financial status, sexual orientation, and other sensitive categories.

As adwords advertisers, we are restricted from and will not perform the following actions:
(a) Running ads that collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) including, but not limited to, email addresses, telephone numbers, and credit card numbers
(b) Creating a remarketing list or creating ad text that specifically targets users in ways that are outlined as “prohibited” in the categories below

Visitors can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertisers and opt out of customized Google Display Network ads by visiting the Ads Preferences Manager.

“User” means a unique instance of a browser, application or similar technology.
“User Cookie” means the User identifier (of which a cookie is one example) associated with a User for remarketing or similar audiences.
“Remarketing Lists” means a list of User Cookies created or otherwise obtained by you and used in connection with remarketing or similar audiences.
“Similar Audiences Lists” means a list of Users created by Google based on a Remarketing List for use in connection with similar audiences.
“Properties” means properties or content on which advertisements are shown.

Creation, Migration and Use of Remarketing Lists.

You must have all rights necessary to create or otherwise obtain Remarketing Lists, migrate Remarketing Lists to, and use Remarketing Lists or Similar Audience Lists on the Properties. Google will not allow another advertiser to use your Remarketing Lists or Similar Audiences Lists without your consent.

Data, Selection and Targeting Restrictions.

You may not (a) send to Google information or (b) use Remarketing Lists or Similar Audience Lists to select or target advertisements (i) based on past or current activity by Users on adult or gambling sites, government agency sites, or sites directed at children under the age of 13 years or (ii) based on other inferred or actual sensitive information (including without limitation, health or medical history or information, financial status or other detailed information pertaining to a person’s finances, racial or ethnic origins, religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, the commission or alleged commission of any crime, political opinions or beliefs, trade union membership, or sexual behavior or orientation).

Notice Requirement.

Your posted privacy policy should include information about Google, the User Cookie, and an appropriate description of your use of remarketing or similar audiences in online advertising. The description must be included in the privacy policies of all sites that include the remarketing tag or otherwise gather this type of information.

PII Restrictions.

You may not, for the purpose of serving Ads, transmit personally identifiable information including, but not limited to, email addresses, telephone numbers, and credit card numbers (“PII”) with the User Cookie without robust notice of, and the User’s prior affirmative (i.e., “opt-in”) consent.

Advertising Cookies Policy;

Third Party Ad Serving; Conflicts Your use of the User Cookie via Remarketing Lists is subject to this Interest Based Advertising Policy and the Google Advertising Cookies Policy. Google’s use of Remarketing Lists is also subject to this Interest Based Advertising Policy and the Google Advertising Cookies Policy. If you’re using third-party ad serving in order to serve Interest-Based Advertisements, then you need to comply with both the Third-Party Ad Serving Policy and this Interest Based Advertising Policy. To the extent there is any conflict between this Interest Based Advertising Policy and either the Google Advertising Cookies Policy or the Third-Party Ad Serving Policy then you need to comply with the version of the conflicting provision in this Interest Based Advertising Policy.

DoubleClick Remarketing (formerly known as Doubleclick Boomerang) and other Remarketing List Services.

You may not use a Remarketing List created via DoubleClick’s Remarketing or other Remarketing List services on the Properties unless the properties from which those User Cookies were compiled (i) properly disclose the data collection and usage contemplated by this Interest Based Advertising Policy and (ii) comply with the privacy and notice requirements of this Interest Based Advertising Policy.

Remarketing List Transparency.

You grant to Google the right, should Google elect to do so, to display to any end user that is part of your Remarketing Lists that the User is on at least one of your Remarketing Lists, along with displaying your domain or display name.

In Ads Notice Labeling.

Google may also, should Google elect to do so or should Customer request Google to do so, label advertisements served based on Remarketing Lists or Similar Audience Lists with notices or overlays intended to advise Users that the advertisements are based on Remarketing Lists or Similar Audience Lists, and you may not modify or obscure these labels.

Policies applicable to Advertisements based on Google-defined interest categories

In Ads Notice Labeling. Google may also, should Google elect to do so or should Customer request Google to do so, label advertisements served based on Google defined interest-categories with notices or overlays intended to advise Users that the advertisements are based on Google defined interest-categories, and you may not modify or obscure these labels.